Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Club - The Twilight Zone Club - I am President


G said...

I love this, particularly the Club Rules which were all great. I do like the one that you must have a note to leave early and that you must write the note.

Jamie Dawn said...

I like the idea of joining The Twilight Zone Club, since I live in the Twilight Zone most of the time any way.
I'm not too keen on having to obey the president of the club, which is you, of course.
I think I will become a semi-member so I can retain the right to rebel against the president, should the need arise.
I have a lot to offer the club. I have several secret super powers and I would be willing to bring chocolate truffles to all our meetings.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Dear Mrs Dawn - we would love you in the club! We are trying to get alot of super powers together. I will apoint you Queen Princess and you wont have to listen to anything I say. Scouts honor!

Doug The Una said...

"You must have a note if you want to leave early. You must write the note."

Is Michelle someone's sister? And why do we have to be nice to her? Isn't she a girl? I don't understand.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Mr. Pascova: Michelle is Howards little sister. Somtimes the other kids teased her.

You can also send a e-mail note.

Minka said...

Is it too late to enter?
I can write my own notes and everything. And I am allowed to stay out until midnight too.
Think about it! :)

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

I think it will be fun to have you in the club! I like too stay up late. But you dont have cooties or anything do you?

Sar said...

Hi S.A.C.A.D.A, can I join your club? On my honor I will do my best to always be present and close the clubhouse door. I do not want an F Metel. I want a shiny metil!

Anonymous said...

i'm here! and i wanna be in the club too! please please please???

i know just about EVERY episode of the Twilight Zone and i love it and i can obey the president AND write my own notes... oh yeah, and i'll also bring in my sweet little puppies whenever the president wants (assuming you get a bigger clubhouse--one that holds more than 3 people at a time). i also LOVE the Munsters, so there's that...

i can't make pancakes like Indie, or chocolate truffles like Jamie Dawn, but i do make fantastic cookies (you might even say they're "out of this world").

so? what do ya i in??

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Sar lady with shoes: I will make a new member list becuase then we can know who all is a new member you will also be on the list and you can get metils too!

Neva Puppytoes: you are wecome because you can bring cookys and a few puppys. you are also welcome becaus you like the Twilight Zone. The club is a secrit room i made by pushing my toy chest near to the wall so the secret club room was behind the toychest. so there lots a room in my whole room. Bring puupies.

Anonymous said...

I wanna be in the club as long as I dont hafto reed the rool's!!!!!

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Thats ok Miss Pansi not eviry one in the club can read so some one will read them to you

Anonymous said...

I reed reel good onely its hard to string the werd's together!!!!

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I want to join the Twilight Zone Club too!