Thursday, September 21, 2006

My Favoritt Song Is Called Litle Black Book By Jimmy Dean

People always says about how they remember were they was when John F Kennedy was asassunated. I tried but i coudnt remember were I was becaus i was only one year and three months old. But later we lived in Kennedy Hieghts and my shcool was named Kennedy Hts Elemmentery Scool.

On April Tenth 1970 i was at my best friend Jim Cunninghams house so i was almost 8 years old then and we was playing downstairs. His big sister had barby dolls all over the living room flore. they had a fun living room too play in with a big old arm chair you could hide behind. Then we went in the kitchen and i saw her in the corner standing their by the radio crying. and she had the radio on and she told us the beetles broke up. but i dident know much about any beetles because my favorit song was called Littel Black Book By Jimmy Dean and I even had the record too.


Doug The Una said...

That's a good song. I remember where I was the first time I heard it. At my desk yesterday.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

I told you so it is still a hit. Also i cheked the internett and you can even download Jimmy Dean songs.

roachz said...

I am still so jealous you still have stuff from childhood.. I wish I could turn back time

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

i dont got alot a stuff i have all my memmorys thouhg and so do you! plus you can turn back the time in the twilight zone eppasode Kick The Can they turn it back and all the old peeople become kids again. so all you do is join the Twilight Zone Club and now ive made you a member. you are geniral manager in charge of insparatipn.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

My Jimmy Dean record "Little Black Book / Big Bad John" got lost in the Twilight Zone - but i still rememmber the what it sownded like.

tsduff said...

You have a remarkable memory for one so young... I liked that song very much but I didn't remember that it was by Jimmy Dean.

G said...

Hey! I used to play kick the can when I was a kid. My friend's father taught it to us. I think it was a really old game that only my little crew played.

Tom & Icy said...

They ground up all those bad records by Jimmy Dean and made sausage. Then he died. The end.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Jimmy Dean did too not die! He has websights to and new records!

Offishal Jimmy Dean Websight

Tom & Icy said...

You made the news on our paper, Asinine Editorials and Features.

me said...

thanks about the slideshow!
actually no i'm not very smart! but i can spell better then you. you spell like my friend...

tsduff said...

Thanks for the email. I'm sorry I'm terribly tardy in replying. I adore this site, and your creative mind. Cute face too :-D

Anonymous said...

ya know... something funny's goin' on here... i coulda sworn i left a comment! am i in the twilight zone again, or is it because i said i wasn't a fan of Jimmy Dean *or* his sausage? (just wondering...)

that said... the beatles broke up right around prom time (not that they were playing it, mind you, but still...) it was a tough...but we muddled through. xo

Pneumonica said...

n senada

tsduff said...

Don't we get any more stories?

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I can't remember where I was when John F Kennedy was assassinated because I was in between lives and probably doing something I shouldn't have been somewhere on the astral plane.

Hobbes said...

I did not know who the Beatles were. I also did not know there was any other radio station besides WCLV (the classical station in Cleveland) on our radio, though the neighbor girls listened to CKLW on their transistors.

Anonymous said...

Grashoper boy!!!!!!! Im sory to interupt you here but I am SO werried!!!!!!!!!! There is a danjerus crimminle out in the Blogasfere hoo is after me and I have noware to tern!!!!!!!!! Can you make me a job ofer here????!!!!!!!
Tx sweaty Kiss Kiss!!!!!!

Hobbes said...

Aren't you going to post anymore?


Pansi is really intrigued by your offer, especially the G. I. Joe part.