Monday, June 04, 2007

Here is a list of 100 words if you can spel all of them you can win a speling be!


Anonymous said...

hmmm...dem there are some hard wurdz ta spell. i jus came over to say hi. hi.

The OE said...

I used to spell very well but my spelling fell when I sat down with MS Word and it all went to hell. Fortunately, the world requires human intellegence which can only be provided by a secret agent.

Tom & Icy said...

drunkenness and dumbbell fooled me.

roachz said...

But.... i like "neighbour" and "judgement"


Anonymous said...

Zees is not fair! I am ze French General! You should have more French words so I may win ze pet bee for spelling!

Anonymous said...

I don't think JESUS thot speling was importent cuz he doesent do it alot!!!!

Ware are you???? Come see me before its to late!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey how's it going? just wanted to say hi!

Anonymous said...

hey there smokey bear! have you been kidnapped by wolves? come and post again soon...

Synchronicity said...

i am writin frum my nu blog!

come and visit!

Synchronicity said...

i am still here waiting on my special story!

Cie Cheesemeister said...

I never get stage fright if I'm acting, but when I'm myself I become terrified. I can't do public speaking and I learned the hard way that my brain turns to mush when I tried to do a spelling bee in 5th grade. They gave me the word "Carton" and I spelled it "corton." I was eliminated in the first round, obviously. When I sat down and realized what a dumb mistake I'd made I couldn't even look up from the floor the rest of the day! So quit whining, Napoleon, because I never won a pet bee either!