Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Ghost Of The Cabouse

One night the staition master went to check the cabouse because he heard some noises. When he got there the door was locked, then he heard a loud noise. And then the door was unlocked. He went in and then the door locked itself. And the train started with no driver. Then the cabos whent off a cliff and fell on a ledge. Then a man was hicking by the tracks. Finilly he managed too look down and he saw the cabouse. He got a rope and climed down and went in the cabous. And then the door locked. He heard noises behind him slowly he turned around and all he saw was two shadows one was his and the other one looked like the staition masters shadow, He looked up and he saw a ghost. It had a knife and the ghost was about to stab him he coughldn't run he was scared stiff. But then he remembered if you close your eyes a ghost can't hurt you so he did so and when he opened his eyes he was back on the train track.

The End ........


Anonymous said...

Its funny but something just like that happened to me and Doo-Doo Girl just the other day!!!!

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Wow i bet that was scarey! Im not afrade of ghosts myself but somtimes im afraid of girls.

Anonymous said...

I am afrade of men, but onely the little blue kind!!!!!!!

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

In third grade i read a book caled The Blue Man about a blue man and he was creeppy and tried to get this littel boy and the boy had to run around the whole cuntry to get away. but i dident like the story. so tell Pansi pleasae not tooread it.

The Boy from S.A.C.A.D.A. said...

Can you ask Mrs. Wiresdo about The Blue Man becaus i read it agenn and dicided it still is not so grate evin thouhg eviryone in Amizon says it is becaus it was excitment when it started but then in the end it is a rediculus end and nobody can believe the end. I think Mrs. Wirsdo studied stuff like that dident she?

Anonymous said...

Dont werry I never reed so if I adopted you you woudent hafto!!!!!
Mrs. Weirsdo (you shoud reely werk on you're speling I coud help!!!!!) say's she never herd of that boook, but you're take on it sound's rite!!!!!
They are deffinately creepy!!!!!!